GetIT411 :The youngest pumwani maternity hospital administrator Geoffrey Mosiria at age of 26 appointed by governor Mike Sonko has proved to the corrupt elites that young managers can bring real changes and transformation

hospital main entrance

   Four years ago before the sudden demise of my lovely aunt at facility I would not love to mention, I can vividly recall her offering a word of advice and insisted on the quote that "failure to reward intelligence, encourages mediocrity" well aunty is no more, she succumbed to excessive bleeding following a traumatic delivery, the facility where she delivered did not have enough facilities to offer her critical care before referral to a better facility.
    This is why when anyone mentions anything to do with maternal mortality, I can not help but recall how aunty is no more. The recent mention of Pumwani maternity hospital seems to have brought a bag of mixed reactions in my mind but then I can not fail to mention that being a key opinion shaper and stakeholder on matters maternal health, I must appreciate One governor Mike Sonko for the quick response he has taken to ensure safe deliveries and zero neonatal deaths in Nairobi. Sonko may not be a medic like I am but sharing with him on a one on one platform, you can tell a man who has the interest of women at heart. He listens without judgement, speaks without prejudice and seeks to help without entitlement, he is a man who understands without pretension and offers love without conditions.
New block for ICU and HDU 

   One Saturday evening I decide to travel from Nakuru my residential home to Nairobi and specifically to Pumwani maternal hospital, I encounter One Geoffrey Mosiria a former influential student leader at the university of Nairobi. I decided to visit the facility having learnt that he is now an administrator and being a close friend of mine, I develop the interest of knowing how he has been conducting his job to improve the services in the hospital.
    Mosiria is serving as the chief administrator in this facility and owing that we have created a good report before, I decided to engage him in a critical manner to ascertain what he has done as a youth to transform the hospital. Mosiria doesn't hesitate to tell me it is always good to walk around the hospital and compare what the media has been portraying the hospital to be.  He decides to take me round across all departments and units, he shares with me how he patrols each evening to check how nurses and other workers transact business and carry out deliveries and patient care.

   when One walks to pumwani hospital for services, the output now is conspicuous both to the allies and foes of governor Mike sonko.
Despite bad press, the services provided here cannot be gainsaid and the history of its origins is worth repeating.
   In as much as most counties have not prioritised the health sector which is a basic need to all stakeholders, the flamboyant Nairobi governor Hon. Mike Sonko has not failed to hit headlines once again on his service delivery when it comes to health care. Sonko did not make a mistake to appoint Mosiria as the hospital administrator, in charge just like he said in his manifesto he was ready to use the youths and a tool for transformation, the former Hospital regime which was slowly sliding into aristocratic arrogance, is no more, sonko  has breath New life to this once prestigious maternal delivery unit.

 I decide to share with one of the nurses who tells me he has worked in the facility for now close to 30years, she tells me that the hospital had been having a unifying history characterised by corruption, plunder, poor service delivery and inflated bills though despite all this challenges, the nurses and doctors together with this mid wife's have continued to offer their sacrificial hard work to ensure zero maternal deaths. Contrary to what the media has portrayed this hospital to be.
   sonko's manifesto was Delivered with unfettered conviction as concerns health care in particular in pumwani.
Despite its humble resources, the facility delivers 25,000 to 30,000 babies every year. Many big names in the history of Kenya were born in Pumwani. My mother tells me that, in the ’60s, the hospital would send you a midwife to help you deliver your baby in the comfort of your home and she delivered her second and third babies through this privilege.
Working in Pumwani fills one with a deep sense of satisfaction, surrounded by the wonder of life coming into this world on a daily basis, the cries of pain-turned-to-joy from first-time mothers who cannot believe they are capable of bringing forth such beautiful life and being able to avert death where possible. The downside is quite devastating, however. When the team at work loses a baby or a mother, it is gut-wrenching to all and we all grieve with the mother and her family.
   Events over the last few months in this once prestigious health care centre that aimed to reduce maternal mortality, forced the flamboyant governror who without delay begun rescue efforts to upgrade the hospital and insisted on the need of counties to prioritise health is a top need.
   When one walks to the hospital now, a sence of life is breath back with hope and excitement, Sonko in a crisis meeting promised to address the issue and it is now less than four months since the crisis and pumwani hospital has the following fully functional units awaiting the more staff to run them. That's :
1.General Outpatient
2.well equaiped ICU and HDU units with modern equipments and enough bed capacity.
3.obsterteic and gynaecologic wing and ward.
4.Pediatric and child care centre and ward with well equipped NBU
5. Modern mortuary with new coolers entirely donated from him to serve the hospital.
6.major renovations going on currently on the structural infrastructure of the hospital and it could soon cause a shift and competition to leading hospitals like
The Agha khan or Nairobi hospital.
Patients waiting time has been reduced,thanks to the effective electronic queuing system introduced coupled with effective well backup systems.
The hospital staff and Support staff has also not been left out as the county government has been keen to employ New nurses and medical officers with the change of management being the priority.
Fully functional theater 

    Contributions from various supporters has made the hospital fairly self-sufficient. It has its own borehole, courtesy of Unicef, and runs a huge prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) programme in conjunction with the University of Nairobi and Sonko recently signed a deal with the Liverpool school of tropical medicine to offer basic life support skills training of staff to reduce maternal mortality.
Hospital mortuary coolers donated by sonko

Fighting corruption sure is hard in a cynical country where everyone is presumed to be on the take and folks, including highly educated people and intelligent, able bodied people are consumed by the pursuit of ill-gotten wealth, it is even harder but mosiria the young administrator in this facility tells me that the governor despite not being a PhD holder in fighting corruption, has been able to the task of cleaning the inept system in this facility. It's true, I engage even the security department and one tells me that they feel like they have been receiving quality services and that the nature in which the hospital is operating is a promising course.
    Nairobi governor Mike Sonko in a Statement said Many years of negative stories have killed the morale of the workforce in Pumwani Maternity Hospital many times over but they rise and soldier on. Stories of stolen babies, harmed newborns and mothers who have lost their lives have been poorly investigated and, when the truth does come out, no one bothers to exonerate the hospital, but Mike Sonko shall forever be given credit for making Pumwani hospital a priority in his agenda for the health of the Nairobi people.
   Mike Sonko despite numerous attacks from political opponents has stood up to defend a national heritage bequeathed to us by women who lived in a time when they could have chosen to selfishly embrace their comfort but went the extra mile to leave something special to us and the future women of this country. It is my hope that the County of Nairobi, which is now the proud owner of this treasure, will continue to rise up under the head of flamboyant Nairobi governor hon Mike Sonko and restore it to its former glory and beyond just as he has begun doing it amidst allies and foes.
Hospital beautification at main entrance 

I walk out of the hospital in company of Mosiria but the memories of my late aunty consume me, Mosiria noticed that there is something disturbing me and that my mood seem to be labile with time. It is at this moment I openly decide to tell him how I lost my aunt  due to blatant and reckless conduct being practised in poor resource settings, this blame can not be put on this facilities but in the counties that still do not prioritise the health of women, which in the end of the day suicidal. I think for the first time I have not been disappointed, because most youths in position I know have failed to address the basic requirements, the Nairobi governor serves credit for the work well executed. Walk to Pumwani hospital and for sure the deeds of Nairobi chief executive officer, just like a rainmaker in Umuofia, need no introduction. They are conspicuous both to the allies and foes.


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