Governor Mike Sonko continues to shine in performance despite resignation of anon appointee whose contract expired December 2018

A place i have come to almost call my second home. Why you ask, because i work there, a beautiful hospital by the name pumwani maternity hospital which lies in the heart of pumwani. Beautiful why? because life has been filled into it recently and I’ll tell you why shortly but first here is a short story; When I got my calling letter to start my new job at pumwani maternity hospital July 2017,i thought to myself why a maternity hospital why ,why ,why,i mean I wanted a medical hospital and specifically a paedtriac unit but as fate would have it I landed in a maternity hospital and am glad now i did. When i arrived at Pumwani maternity hospital July 3rd 2017 to report to work, I honestly found the place gloomy,dull,no life ,the typical hospital mood i must say a wave of sadness filled the air then.(something that has totally changed thanks to our able Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko).

I was deployed to the antenatal clinic ( a place I love soo much). The staff there are beautiful,kindhearted and perfect. The management at the time and by this i mean the very top management was not as friendly, as welcoming as you would expect and really many did not dare to just interact with them( I mean who wants to talk to people who can’t understand your problems) and so life went on till a change, a big change happened. A refreshing kind of change,one that keeps you motivated, on your toes and engaging.

The governor made an impromptu tour to the hospital one fine morning a tour that saw Pumwani rise and become a different place to staffs,patients, to the public and to the country. Starting with renovations; this i must say,the biggest and probably the only ones that have been done since time immemorial right from the time the governer set foot in the hospital and picked an able team to spearhead the work,our surgical wards state of the art new wards that rank the aghakhan style if i must say,more modern equipments that make work easier right from new modern beds to modern garbage carriers something that was overlooked before,a modern mortuary with modern equipments. With a promise of expansion of the hospital to a pumwani annex for accident and emergency right across the road, it can only get better,a promise i know too well will be fulfilled.

Right from the management that was changed to a friendly one,a young and vibrant hospital administrator who works round the clock to ensure patient comfortability, needs of staff are met and the hospital is in a good place. Did i mention an overall nursing officer in charge who is very understanding to the nurses? I do not think people understand what the governer has done to the hospital,the overall image has given mothers the confidence to come deliver and seek services at the hospital,its no secret that Pumwani was or has been known for all the wrong reasons in the past, I was born at Pumwani and even then it still had a very bad reputation, up to the point I started working at Pumwani maternity hospital the reputation was not that good. But the presence of an able sitting governer has turned everything around and I do not say this because I work at Pumwani ,i say this as a young nurse who wants the best for mothers and patients at large.

A governor who actually takes his time to visit staff, listen to their complains (and this is evident as he sat in one of our meetings and actually listened to complains and offered solutions,)visits patients gives them hope supports them and celebrates with them when their babies get well after a long stay in the new born unit, is something that is to be emulated. From the outside which is beautiful a welcoming place,a safe haven for mothers to find hope, and quality care. A management that cares, that listens, a far much improvement from a previous one that was dictatorial, pumwani maternity hospital is just but the best in East and central africa. And many can argue that its just politics that the governer is playing but i beg to ask what is more important than being a hands on governer? One who goes to the grassroots to solve problems, a working governer together with his right hand man the able hospital administrator in conjunction with the top clinical incharges who have transformed the lost glory of Pumwani maternity hospital. Young energetic top management,something you can’t buy in the shops,dedication of clinical in charges you cannot fake. As a staff,as a human being,as a woman i feel great to be associated with the hospital. And greater things are due. The positive comments from mothers, staff and the public are reason enough to know that Pumwani maternity hospital is a safe haven for everybody. I look forward to be at work daily, honestly I do,and despite the nitty gritty challenges that cannot be avoided i stand to say Pumwani is a giant.

Welcome to Pumwani maternity hospital


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